Durants Satellite at Winchmore School
The Durants satellite at Winchmore has been running since September 2013. The Local Authority commissions Durants through a Service Level Agreement to run and manage this service. The Durants satellite at Winchmore has 20 places for young people with autism all of whom are on the Durants role. Durants works in collaboration with Winchmore to provide this unique provision at the heart of Winchmore School. We currently have two classrooms designated for the Durants satellite at Winchmore, one for KS3 and one for KS4. From September 2021, we will be able to offer a sixth form provision to allow students a natural progression to post-16 education.
What is the Purpose of the Durants satellite at Winchmore?
The Durants satellite at Winchmore is intended to fill the educational gap between mainstream and special schools. It is intended to make suitable provision for students who have autism but also have the academic ability to access mainstream lessons. We aim to support young people to successfully manage their autism in a mainstream school so that they can maximise their academic potential. Although students will always remain the responsibility of Durants they are encouraged and made to feel part of Winchmore School. This includes wearing the Winchmore uniform and attending assemblies and tutor groups as well as appropriate lessons.
Who is the Durants satellite at Winchmore for?
The unit is for young people of secondary school age who have a diagnosis of autism and EHCP. The expectation is that any pupil attending the Durants satellite at Winchmore will have some capacity to access mainstream lessons. At secondary transfer, students should generally be working at or above Age related expectations at Key stage 2. Students will also be expected to have enough emotional regulation to be able to cope, to some extent, with the mainstream environment. Students who have Sensory issues such as audio defensiveness and hypersensitivity to tactile contact may not find the Durants satellite at Winchmore suitable. As Winchmore school is a large and busy secondary school, all students must have the ability to cope in busy/ loud environments and to navigate the building independently. All Students in the Durants satellite at Winchmore follow Winchmore school rules and codes of conduct. The Durants satellite at Winchmore is not suitable for students whose challenging behaviour presents a risk to themselves or others.
The Durants satellite at Winchmore also supports some Winchmore students who benefit from the calm and nurturing environment in the unit. Winchmore students can also transfer on to the Durants role if necessary. Durants and Winchmore staff work collaboratively to meet the needs of all students.
The Curriculum
Students follow an appropriately differentiated National curriculum, studying both core and foundation subjects. The aim, however, is when we feel that a student can access the mainstream content they will be supported to do so. In addition students also access a life skills programme, including cooking, travel training and community education to support the development of important social skills.
At KS3, students will be introduced to some AQA unit awards which accredit steps in learning. This will be extended in KS4 where AQA units comprise a large amount of the curriculum to prepare them for relevant qualifications. The core qualifications for students to achieve at KS4 are Entry Level certificates in English, maths and Science. Some GCSEs may be an option for more academically able students.
At KS5, Students will enter the Sixth Form where they will follow a bespoke timetable suited to their needs and interests. We are developing our KS5 offer to include: ELC, Level 1/ 2, GCSE, BTEC and A-Level qualifications.
Referral to the Durants satellite at Winchmore
All students in the Durants satellite at Winchmore are the responsibility of Durants School. New students are referred to us by Enfield council’s Special Educational Needs department. Students can be placed directly into the Durants satellite at Winchmore if they are suitable. Alternatively students may initially be placed at Durants and can then make the transition at a later date when they are ready. In the event that a pupil struggles in the Durants satellite at Winchmore they may be transferred back to Durants if the Head of Durants satellite at Winchmore or Headteacher of Durants feels it is in their best interests.
The Durants satellite at Winchmore is run by experienced teachers from Durants who are supported by a team of experienced teaching assistants who have also worked extensively with students with autism. Staff work closely and collaboratively with Winchmore school staff, particularly the schools Learning Support department.
Access to Mainstream
All students are based in the Durants satellite at Winchmore. The aim is for all students to access the mainstream facilities at Winchmore as much as possible. As each student starts at the Durants satellite at Winchmore, they will be allocated a form and will join their neuro-typical peers on a mainstream timetable supported by Durants satellite at Winchmore staff. This gives us a clear indication of student’s strengths and interests. After two weeks, they will then be allocated lessons for which they will continue while all other subjects are covered in the Durants satellite at Winchmore. All decisions on what sessions are accessed are based on the individual needs of each pupil. Some students may go to one or two subjects with support whilst others may access English and Maths with no support.
All students are allocated to a form group which they attend before lunch each day and for PSHE on Wednesdays. All students have lunch in the main school dining room and then go to one of three playgrounds to mix/ interact with their friends/ other students. All students are encouraged to access what they feel they can manage. However, we ensure that students are stretched and challenge themselves as much as possible.
In the Durants satellite at Winchmore students will be working towards Entry Level and AQA unit awards. Students will be able to achieve ASDAN accreditation of Personal development programmes.
At KS3 students will work through a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare them for AQA unit awards and Entry Level certificates in KS4. Some students may gain some AQA unit awards at KS3 which are built on in KS4.
The KS4 curriculum is comprised of AQA unit awards for all subjects and Entry Level Certificates in English, Maths, Science.
Where appropriate, students who are able to access mainstream lessons and content will be able to work towards their GCSEs. In years 10/ 11, some students may have the opportunity to undertake work experience placements and the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Bronze level.
The KS5 curriculum is tailored to student strengths and interests with a focus on skills for life. In the Durants satellite at Winchmore, students will be able to complete qualifications at Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2. Some students will be able to access GCSEs and A-Levels (Subject to Winchmore school 6th form entry criteria).
Visits to the Durants satellite at Winchmore
Visits to the Durants satellite at Winchmore are always encouraged by both parents and students. These can be arranged by contacting the Headteacher at Durants, Rachel Carli, or directly to the head of Durants satellite at Winchmore, Jamie Thaxton, who will arrange to show you around.
Placements in the Durants satellite at Winchmore
Students are allocated a place in the Durants satellite at Winchmore by the SEN department of Enfield Council. They will make referrals to the unit following applications by parents and Durants will assess whether they can meet the needs of the young person.
Our admissions criteria are as follows:
- The Child has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The child has an Education, Health and Care Plan
- The child is able to access education within a mainstream, age appropriate class, with some support (should be working within KS2 levels as a minimum)
- The child is likely to be able to cognitively access some mainstream qualifications in the future, such as GCSEs
- The child is able to manage their own personal care and self-help needs independently, except in cases of exceptional medical conditions
For further information about the provision or admissions criteria, please contact
Durants School on 0208 8041980